Artist Residencies

My Artist Statement for Open Studios Project The Arts Village Rotorua

'Trade your Art'

The Arts Village Rotorua Open Studios Project - Artists in Residence: Paula Kerslake, Angela Croft, Mary Whalley, Liz Pearce, Ally Rogers

My Artist Statement for Open Studios Project The Arts Village Rotorua
Open Studios Project
The Arts Village Rotorua
December 2013 to January 2014​
As one of the Artists in Residence selected for the Open Studios Project, I spent 6 weeks in my studio painting, interacting with the public and showing my work in a Solo exhibition in Studio One at the Arts Village. My community art project 'Trade your Art' a rotating art exhibition was well received. People were invited to create a painting in my studio for display and choose some one else's to take home and enjoy. I initiated a collaborative project and invited the other Artists in Residence to contribute to a large collaborative painting which I gifted to the local primary school. During my Residency, I also enjoyed tutoring Art workshops for children and adults.

October 2013

Home of New Pacific Studio, originally built in 1911. It was bought by Kay Flavell in 2001 and restored. www.newpacificstudio.org

Pukaha Mt Bruce Wildlife centre currently has a captive breeding programme for kiwis. 'Manukura' the little white kiwi hatched in 2011.

October 2013
New Pacific Studios
Mt Bruce, Masterton
October 2013
Nestled in the country side I spent time painting in the Cottage Studio. Inspiration flowed from my many visits to the Pukaha Mt Bruce National Wildlife Centre only 2km away. I entered the Eketahuna Museum Photo Competition and completed a body of work of 100 photos. I gifted these photos to the Eketahuna Museum as a visual record of the local people and places.